Programmed by OPEN MIND UK LTD and machined by Yamazaki Mazak Corporation

At OPEN MIND Technologies, we're always pushing the boundaries of what's possible when it comes to CNC programming.

We've just completed a large demonstration part in collaboration with Yamazaki Mazak Corporation, and we are thrilled to say it showcases the incredible capabilities of our hyperMILL® software.

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The full-size replica of the St Edward's Crown required an impressive 23 million lines of code, with a package size of 62GB. It required the creation of 6,625 curves and 2,660 surfaces. With 13 Roughing toolpaths, 59 Top Detail toolpaths, and 448 main tool paths, this project truly pushed the boundaries of what is possible in CNC programming.
The project used our Virtual Machining, High Precision Machining, and 5-axis Milling modules, which helped to achieve such impressive results. Additionally, our hyperCAD®-S module played a crucial role in the integration of CAD for CAM.

We would like to give special recognition to Jon Shortt, Application Manager at OPEN MIND Technologies, who programmed this remarkable part with the help of Scott Znajda, Project Engineer at Mazak European Technology Centre. We're incredibly proud of this achievement.

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OPEN MIND Technologies UK Ltd.
Unit 3, Bicester Business Park, Telford Road
Bicester, Oxfordshire OX26 4LN

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