2024/09/24 – 2024/09/27
Besançon, France
Parc des Expositions Micropolis
3 Boulevard Ouest

Micronora is a highly targeted trade fair focusing on high precision, miniaturisation and complex function integration, all key to creating more intelligent products. It is the world’s leading exhibition, offering the most exceptional range of innovative technologies in the field of microtechnology and precision.

Thanks to the transfer of solutions between different industrial sectors, micro and nanotechnologies can be applied in all cutting-edge sectors looking for smaller, more accurate, more intelligent solutions.

Throughout 25,000 sq. m of exhibition space, the exhibitors, 33% of whom are from abroad, display their varied, high-quality innovations: from R&D to sub-contracting and production technologies.

Visit the OPEN MIND booth to explore the cutting-edge capabilities of hyperMILL® , a powerful CAD/CAM software solution. hyperMILL® CAM software is flexible and customizable, with a wide range of modules and extensions. Whether you need to perform complex multi-axis machining, high-speed cutting (HSC), or highly precise finishing operations, hyperMILL® provides you with the tools you require.
Discover how hyperMILL® can transform your manufacturing processes with its powerful CAM strategies and automation features.

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