hyperMILL® Integrated in CAD: CAM software for SOLIDWORKS
SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD software and hyperMILL® for SOLIDWORKS – the CAM program as a powerful CAD integration – work together to speed up design and manufacturing processes. This ensures products reach the market faster.
3D CAD solutions from SOLIDWORKS offer powerful design functions that help users to achieve a high level of productivity.
hyperMILL® CAM software for SOLIDWORKS
hyperMILL® for SOLIDWORKS went through a multi-step certification processand is a certified for SOLIDWORKS as a ‘Gold’ product by Dassault Systèmes. This certification censures that hyperMILL® software is perfectly integrated with SOLIDWORKS CAD software. Besides this integration, hyperMILL® for SOLIDWORKS also meets the highest requirements regarding reliability and user-friendliness. This is further proven by the successful use of hyperMILL® by numerous SOLIDWORKS reference customers.
Video: hyperMILL® for SOLIDWORKS
Features of hyperMILL® for SOLIDWORKS
Recognized as a ‘Certified Gold’ product
Dassault Systèmes has certified hyperMILL® for SOLIDWORKS as a ‘Gold’ product. This is proof of the program’s perfect integration, quality and inter-operability. The hyperMILL®’ user’ interface is fully integrated in SOLIDWORKS and the CAM’ data is associatively linked with the geometric data of SOLIDWORKS.
Single database
Integration facilitates continuous processes with a single database. Both the CAD and CAM systems access the same data model. This prevents data import problems as well as read/write errors.
Working in single part mode and assembly mode is possible
hyperMILL® for SOLIDWORKS allows the user to work in both single part mode and assembly mode. Clamps and holders are taken into account during collision checking and the hyperMILL® data is saved together with the relevant machining group.
Using geometric features
The feature technology provided by hyperMILL® allows geometries from the CAD system to be used for CAM programming. For example, holes, threads and pockets can be detected on solid and face models thanks to automatic feature recognition. Furthermore, machining strategies and tools can be linked with features in technology macros and saved in a technology database.
CAM Strategies for every requirement
From 2.5D, 3D, HSC/HPC and 5-axis milling through to mill turning: hyperMILL® CAM software has an extensive range of CAM strategies at its disposal.

CAD integration. Forward-looking technologies. Seamlessly integrated.
- Direct integration of hyperMILL® in SOLIDWORKS, so-called one-window integration. The user no longer needs to leave SOLIDWORKS for CAM programming
- One database: convenient programming on parametric and associative SOLIDWORKS model data
- Trusted user interface with familiar look and feel. Easy to learn with fast access to CAD functionality
- Working in single part mode and assembly mode is possible
- Powerful CAM strategies for every requirement
- The world’s leading 5-axis technology
- Certified Gold partner since 2006
OPEN MIND's own CAD software in hyperMILL® (formerly hyperCAD®-S)
In contrast to standard CAD systems for designers or engineers, hyperMILL® offers customized functions that CAM programmers need for efficient NC programming.