Feature technology of hyperMILL®

A 'Feature' is a set of automatically used geometry and machining data­sets taken from the CAD model. Features have the facility to greatly stream­line and accelerate NC programming.

Holes, pockets and grooves are just a few common component ele­ments that can be created as features.
If a component has many holes, it quickly becomes clear that se­lec­ting each hole manually is a time-consuming and error-prone process. Valuable working time is wasted by repeating the same process – Features allows CAM programmers to automate the process and spend on more complex programming tasks.

The feature technology of hyperMILL® makes it possible to read design properties of a component that are relevant for the machining job. Geometry features such as holes and pockets are recognized automatically, and information relevant to the machining task is applied autonomously.

feature recognition | cam software – Geometry features are recognized automatically, saving the programmer valuable time.

Geometry features are recognized automatically, saving the programmer valuable time.

“With its feature technology and associated process and macro data­bases, hyperMILL® provides a solid basis for automating programming and significantly reducing the time spent reusing pre-existing programming know-how.”

Stefan Bauer, Head of Manufacturing at BAM GmbH


Automation Made Easy

NC programmers can freely configure the degree of automation.
At the lowest level, feature technology assists programmers in identifying areas to be machined. The feature browser displays holes, pockets and T‑slots in a structured manner, which facilitates sub­sequent pro­gram­ming automation.
The detected features can be programmed either manually or fully automatically by using stored macros.

hyperMILL® AUTOMATION Center enables companies to implement comprehensive process automation quickly and reliably.

More Than Just Standard Features

The Customized Process Feature (CPF) allows non-standard geometry elements to be combined into a single machining process. This means the system can automatically recognize free-form surfaces or complex geometries that users can then select for programming.

Feature-based machining can speed-up and simplify NC programming by applying automated selection processes. Data relevant to machining such as machining depth, starting points, surfaces and tolerances – can be used directly for programming. Further advantages of feature technology include improved component quality. This is credit to error reduction as well as comprehensive standardization the ensures users utilise proven procedures and resources.

hole features | automated programming –

Hole features

Generic holes as through or blind holes with all machining properties

pocket features | automated programming –

Pocket features

Automatic pocket recognition, even for pockets with­out bottoms

t-slot features | automated programming –

T‑slot features

Automatic recognition of T‑slots with all relevant information

turbine blade features | feature technology | automated programming –

Turbine Blade features

Simple definition and use of turbine blade features for applying macros

impeller features | automated programming –

Impeller features

Simple definition and use of impeller features for applying macros

customized process feature –

Customized Process Feature (CPF)

3D surfaces as a feature definition can be controlled by a color

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