Safely generate, optimize, and simulate NC code

hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining closes the gap between CAM system and real machine en­vi­ron­ment – providing an un­precedented level of process control and optimization. This is industry 4.0!

Different soft­ware solutions are often required to meet the requirements of modern manufacturing. OPEN MIND is a solution provider that ensures an unmatched level of consistency from the import of CAD data to the manufacturing process on the machine.

Choose hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining and hyperMILL® to control all your manufacturing processes centrally in one soft­ware environment. All information relevant to machining is available at all times and at any point in the process – from programming to NC code simulation, and the machine run. This is unique, and the only way to facilitate optimizations and achieve maximum safety.

hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Center

The NC­Simulation from OPEN MIND.

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The cornerstone of NC code

hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining is the cornerstone of NC code ge­ne­ra­tion and NC code si­mu­la­ti­on within the hyperMILL® CAD/CAM software and is the basis for various modules and fun­cti­ons.


hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Center

hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Center is a powerful NC code simulation solution.


hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Optimizer

hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Optimizer optimizes movement sequences and tilt angles automatically during NC code generation.


hyperMILL® CONNECTED Machining

hyperMILL® CONNECTED Machining ena­bles a bi­directional connection between the CAM system and the machine and ensures a comprehensive exchange of data.



hyperMILL® BEST FIT provides intelligent component alignment at the touch of a button and can be used easily in any manufacturing thanks to hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining.


NC Code Generation and Simulation

A safe simulation solution does not start with the NC code, but several steps before. As a CAD/CAM de­ve­lo­per, OPEN MIND relies on its own innovative developments to provide a total end-to-end soft­ware solution for CNC manufacturing. NC code generation and simulation are closely inter­linked. This guarantees un­am­bi­guo­us NC code that is not subject to interpretation. The NC commands that are generated are extensively tested. This ensures that the NC program will run smoothly on your machine. All process-relevant data from hyperMILL® is available in the NC code simulation, guaranteeing un­paralleled accuracy and safety.

hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining allows us to map all the process steps in CNC manufacturing with­in our soft­ware to ensure you get the greatest degree of safety and consistency – with­out compromise.”

Peter Brambs
Director Product Management & Innovation • Innovation and Patents


Interested in our solution
hyperMILL VIRTUAL Machining?

For contact:
OPEN MIND Technologies USA, Inc.
1492 Highland Avenue, Unit 3, Needham MA 02492

Phone: +1 888 516 1232

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Functions and Modules in Detail

hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Center

The hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Center virtually maps actual machining situations, that is, the machine including the controller and PLC. The numerous possible simulation and analysis processes are carried out on the basis of the NC code on a digital twin of the machine.

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hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Optimizer

This optional module offers power­ful optimization algorithms to make your multi-axis machining even more efficient. The hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining Optimizer automatically finds the best technical solution for ensuring perfect machining from the wide range of possible tool positions. It automatically optimizes the linking movements between your operations, and so reduces your auxiliary processing times during machining. The Optimizer automatically inserts necessary rewind movements during machining on limited machines, thereby greatly simplifying programming.

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hyperMILL® CONNECTED Machining

The optional CONNECTED Machining module enables in-depth networking and synchronization with the machine. A bidirectional connection is established between the CAM workstation and machine tool. This provides the best possible exchange of data between the generation and execution of programs. For example, you can transfer tool data from hyperMILL® directly to the controller or synchronize the machining progress of the machine with the simulation.

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hyperMILL® CONNECTED Programming

hyperMILL® CONNECTED Programming allows data to be exchanged between hyperMILL and the simulation environment. This means that information can be transmitted persistently in both directions. For example, NC programs can be subsequently added to an active simulation session, tool information can be transferred to or received from the machine controller, or data from the simulation environment, such as frame positions or collision areas, can be used in hyperMILL®.

Use hyperMILL® for your manufacturing!

  • NC code simulation
  • Maximum safety
  • Faster set-up times
  • Quick collision check
  • Reduced auxiliary processing times
  • Reduced programming times
  • Fast component alignment
  • Relief for employees
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